About Me

I am a British Graphic Designer, Photographer and environmentalist who widely recognises the importance of both our historical and geological background in the development of our culture and society.

This blog shows my creative work and journey as a graphic design student.

My Manifesto 

  1. Take interest and learn, whether the names of all the Kardashians or every language that ever existed. Don’t be bias, don’t have a reason just be curious (it only every killed the cat after all)
  2. Travel. To every place of beauty, interest, history or culture, anywhere just travel. You’ll experience more than you could have thought possible and all that time sat waiting for a train or aeroplane gives you time to think about who you are.
  3. It’s okay to just spend all day in bed, sometimes people can be draining.
  4. Question art. Dont just dismiss it, especially the All-White Robert Ryman painting that sold for 20 million pounds.