Advertising media

Advertising and Promotion Presentation

Advertising Media


Advertisement is important for promoting not only things such as clothing and household items but also charities helping them raise awareness, Government departments promoting services like NHS Change4Life and Recruitment for defense such as the army and Royal Navy as well as event organizers to help encourage people to attend concerts or exhibitions.

Type of advertising media include digital and print, Guerrilla also known as ambient media, Broadcasting, outdoor or out-of-home, public service, event sponsorship and product placement.

There are several other methods of advertising such as telephone recordings, fax machine (although I’m not sure if anyone even still makes fax machine now days), advertising through inserting material into product packaging like parcels and magazines with discount codes or information for parenting companies as well as adverts imprinted on retail receipts like the McDonald’s discounts that were print on the back go the bus and tram tickets.

I’m just going to focus on the more major several that I mentioned first as they are more current, used and most powerful types of advertising medias.


Digital Advertising

As more and more people use digital devices to consume media, the web is becoming a crucial place for advertising.

For marketers, website advertising offers many options in terms of:

◦       Creative Types – as Internet advertising allows for a large variety of ad including text-only, image-only, multimedia (such as video) and advanced interactive (such advertisement in the form of online games)

◦       Size – In addition to many creative types, Internet advertisements can be delivered in many different sizes ranging from full screen to small square ads that are only a few pixels in size. The most popular being banner ads, leaderboards and skyscraper.

Sponsored content on these social media outlets is growing greatly as posting ads on websites that receive many views is becoming the best way to get the word out about a business. Social networking sites such as Facebook or twitter have advertising programs with ads tailored to a demographic. These ads show up only next to profiles that meet the specifications of a product’s target market. You can also use the Google AdWords service to post online ads and from ads on Facebook and Snapchat to partnerships with BuzzFeed and Reddit, the fastest, easiest way to reach millions of potential customers is online.

Email Advertising is another digital way to deliver an advertisement and affords marketers the advantage of low distribution cost and potentially high reach. In situations where the marketer possesses a highly targeted list, response rates to email advertisements may be quite high.


Print Advertising

Once a main contributor of sales, print is taking a back seat to the many digital forms of advertising now available. However, the rarer print advertising becomes the more special it becomes and is still anticipated to make another big come back

Typically, print can be split into three subcategories:

•   Periodical Advertising (aka a print ad)

This includes magazines, newspapers, or anything else that comes out at regular intervals. For decades, print ads were the gold standard for advertisers and to grab the center spread of a big magazine or the back cover of a newspaper meant millions of people were seeing the message. Magazines, especially those that target specific niche or specialized areas of interest are more narrowly targeted compared to broadcast media. Additionally, magazines offer the option of allowing marketers to present their message using high quality imagery and can also offer touch and scent experiences such as small perfumes and cosmetics that can be found inside magazines such as Elle and Cosmopolitan.

•   Brochures, Leaflets, Flyers, Handouts, and Point-of-Sale Advertising

Although some of these media can be placed within the pages of newspapers and magazines, they are treated as a separate form of advertising, usually because they have less chance of being seen. From something that sits on a counter or customer service desk to a glossy car brochure, small print media offer a more intimate and long-form way of engaging the consumer.

  • Direct Mail Advertising

    Either of the techniques I’ve just mentioned can be incorporated into direct mail. This method of advertising uses postal and other delivery services to ship advertising materials, including postcards, letters, brochures, catalogs and flyers, to a physical address of targeted customers. Direct mail is most effective when it is designed in a way that makes it appear to be special to the customer but many people think and refer to direct mail as “junk mail” and due to the name, some marketers view the approach as ineffective. However, direct mail, when well-targeted, can be an extremely effective promotional tool.

Guerrilla Advertising

Also, known as ambient media or guerrilla marketing has become prominent over the last 20 years. The original term was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his 1984 book Guerrilla Advertising. The term guerrilla marketing was inspired by guerrilla warfare which is a form of irregular warfare and relates to the small tactic strategies used by armed civilians such ambushes, sabotage and elements of surprise. Much like guerrilla warfare, guerrilla marketing uses the same sort of tactics in the marketing industry.

It is a broadly used term for anything unconventional, and usually invites the consumer to participate or interact with the piece in some way. Location is important, as is timing. The driving forces behind guerrilla advertising are creative ideas and innovation, not a large budget.


Broadcasting Advertisement

A mass-market form of communication including television and radio, broadcast advertising has, until recently, been the most dominant way to reach many consumers, but has taken a loss over the last few years though with the rise of DVRs that allow people to record tv shows and “ad skipping” technology. However, it is still a popular way to reach millions of people.

Radio Advertising

Promotion through radio has been a way of advertising for over 80 years. Radio advertising is mostly local to the broadcast range of a radio station like Sheffield’s Hallam Radio is. A catchy jingle and quick tag line can enhance a radio ad’s effectiveness. Matching the stations with the target demographic is key.

In many ways radio suffers the same problems as television, namely, a mass medium that is not highly targeted and offers little opportunity to track responses. But unlike television, radio presents the additional disadvantage of limiting advertisers to audio-only advertising. For some products advertising without visual support is not effective.

Television Advertising

Television advertising offers the benefit of reaching large numbers in a single exposure. Yet because it capable of being seen by nearly anyone, television lacks the ability to deliver an advertisement to highly targeted customers compared to other media outlets like direct mail. Television networks are attempting to improve their targeting efforts. In particular, networks that offer pay-to-access channels such as Sky, are introducing more narrowly themed programming (likes extra sports and discovery channels) designed to appeal to selective audiences. However, television remains an option that is best for products that targeted to a broad market.

Just like other medias television advertising is facing numerous challenges from alternative media mainly the Internet and the raise of technology devices, such as program recorders, that have empowered customers to be more selective on the advertisements they view. Additionally, television lacks effective response tracking which has led many marketers to investigate other media that offer stronger tracking options.


Outdoor/ Out-Of-Home Advertising

Also, known as out-of-home (advertising, is a broad term that describes any type of advertising that reaches consumers when they are away from home. This types of advertising includes billboards, bus shelter posters, fly posters, and even those big digital boards in Times Square.

While billboards are the most obvious example of signage advertising, there are many other forms of signage advertising include:

  • Sky writing
  • Plane banners where large signs are pulled behind an airplane
  • Mobile billboards where signs are placed on vehicles, such as buses and cars, or even carried by people
  • Advertisements attached to grocery carts


Public Service Advertising (PSA)

Unlike traditional commercials, Public Service Advertisements (PSA) are primarily designed to inform and educate rather than sell a product or service. PSAs traditionally appear on TV and radio, but are also heavily promoted online.  Public service advertisements you might have seen are the ‘dumb way to die’ game to educate on train safety in Australia and others such as NHS flu campaigns and the Think driving safety campaign.


Product Placement Advertising

Product placement is an advertising approach that intentionally inserts products into entertainment programs such as movies, TV programs and video games.

Placement can take several forms including:

  • visual imagery in which the product appears within the entertainment program
  • actual product use by an actor in the program
  • words spoken by an actor that include the product name

Product placement is gaining acceptance among a growing number of marketers for two main reasons.

First, in most cases the placement is subtle so as not to divert significant attention from the main content of the program or media outlet. This approach may lead the audience to believe the product was selected for inclusion by program producers and not by the marketer. This may heighten the credibility of the product in the minds of the audience since their perception, whether accurate or not, is that product was selected by an unbiased third-party.

Second, entertainment programming, such as television, is converging with another media, particularly the Internet. In the future, a viewer of a television program may be able to easily request information for products that appear in a program by simply pointing to the product on the screen. With the information, they may get the option to purchase the product. As this technology emerges it is expected that product placement opportunities will become a powerful promotional option for many marketers.


Event Sponsorship

Advertising your product or service through event sponsorship can take many forms. You might receive an acknowledgement in the event program, have an on-site location where you can give out sample product, or your company logo might appear on the event posters. One option for events that require a hand-stamp for entry is to provide the venue with a stamp that bears your company logo; the attendees will then have your logo close by for a day or two afterwards.

Examples of event sponsorships like this include BBC Radio 1’s Big weekend and Vans sponsorship of the Wrap tour.

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