Aristotle Rhetoric


Aristotle’s Rhetoric is an ancient Greek treatise (a written work dealing formally and systematically with a subject) on the art of persuasion, dating from the 4th century BC. This Rhetoric is an important part of how we can make advertising more persuading and how to appeal to someone.

  • Ethos (Credibility) shows how someones statues in society or authority can influence what you are likely to do or buy. Someones credibility can also come from  their rank, qualification or could be if they are a celebrity or fictional character that endorses something. Example – Nine out of Ten dentists recommend this type of toothpaste.


  • Pathos (Emotion) Is a way of using emotion to create an emotion response to convince an audience. This can be achieved by telling stories or creating impacting imagery. Example – If we don’t adopt this puppy he, may never find a home!


  • Logos (logic) is a particular form of reasoning that uses facts and logic to pursued an audience. This type of logic allows you to understand something you can not see. Example – if a bucket with holes was filled with water the would leak out, when we are hot our hand are wet therefore the must have holes in our skin much like the surface of the bucket.
